Operation Christmas Child is back for another year! For each shoebox we send, there's a $10 shipping fee. Good news, though – we've got that covered for all our boxes.
As you know, this organization is dear to us and we love partnering with our community in love & support. We started collections in mid-October, and your help is essential. Will you join us?
You can drop off boxes in our collection bin at our Oregon City office or if you need a shoebox you can pick up an empty one with instructions included at our Oregon City office. Please drop off your donations by November 15th so we can get them checked, loaded and dropped off to the center by that weekend! (that's in two weeks!)
We've ordered 500 shoeboxes to fill this year and we’re excited to partner with you.Last year between my wife and help from others, packaged 356 shoeboxes for children around the world. Your contribution, big or small, will make a child's Christmas unforgettable.Find all shoeboxes at our Oregon City office: 617 High Street, Oregon City, OR 97045. Let's make this holiday season extra special for those in need.
Thanks for partnering with us!